Contracting Vehicles

The Contracting Vehicles that we offer include:

AMT66 provides Federal Agencies a diverse array of contracting vehicles, enabling swift and seamless engagement within government contracts. GSA 8A STARS III Contract#: 47QTCB21D0404 AMAX 8STARS AMT66 possesses the following Socio-economic Qualifications

  • Small Business Enterprise
  • SBE Woman Owned Small Business
  • WOSB Economically Disadvantage Woman Owned Small Business
  • EDWOSB Small Business Administration 8(a)
Sba certified business logo
A logo for the certified economically disadvantaged women-owned small business program.
A blue and white logo for the small business administration.
A small business administration logo.

Contract#: 47QTCB21D0404

A logo of amax. with white background
A logo of starrs, with the word star in black.